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Looking for a Crew

posted Nov 01, 2010 20:25:56 by darkponzu
Hello, I downloaded the demo but I'm not sure where to start. Is there anyone out there with some experience in Artemis that would help me out?

I hope to start my own crew someday, but I should probably get some practice first.
"Vision without action is a dream, action without vision is a nightmare."
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2 replies
darkponzu said Nov 01, 2010 20:27:54
I'd also like to add I have voice chat software, a mic and a joystick if it helps.
"Vision without action is a dream, action without vision is a nightmare."
d.toliaferro said Nov 02, 2010 00:35:35
Try contacting your local hackerspace(s). If you didn't know, a hackerspace is a place where engineers, programmers, makers, gamers and other various kinds of geeks go to meet and hangout. Hackerspaces are all over the world now at this point, it's likely that there is more than one near you, and it's just as likely that they are already playing Artemis or they are planning to. The only reason I even know about Artemis is because someone from one of my local hackerspaces told me about it.

Good luck!
[Last edited Nov 02, 2010 00:36:15]
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