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Development Time Line

posted Nov 19, 2010 16:36:18 by ColinBradbury
Hi Tom, I am still only using the Demo version of the game at present, mainly because I am lonely sole who has no friends (not entirely accurate, most of my friends aren't interested in this time of game, but I am working on them) but this has no relevance to my questions.

I am posting here due to not being able to decide an alternative forum to post into.

1. How long has Artimus been in development?
2. How often do you plan on releasing updates?
3. Do you have a development plan of your own (regardless of features your community suggest)?

and a final point, I am a member on SpaceSimCentral where I think you could get even more feedback if you were to open up discussions on there forums.

I have mentioned your software a couple of times on a post on there but don't really feel its my place to mention it too much.
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2 replies
ThomRobertson said Nov 22, 2010 02:07:17
1) about 12 weeks. Of course, I didn't start from scratch. I already had my own engine (using DX9) and a 3D procedural spaceship generator.

2) every 1-2 months sounds right, but I don't want to commit to a more rigid schedule than that. I just released V1.1, about 4 weeks after the initial V1.0 release.

3) No. I have plenty of my own ideas, but Artemis is a fundamentally social game on any level. Artemis V1.0 was the answer to the question "What if I actually programmed that idea I had 25 years ago?" There's still no back story, no canon, and no vision (other than a star trek bridge). I'm not the kind of game designer that starts with an elaborate back story.

SpaceSimCentral looks like a great website, but it IS your place to mention the products you like there. If I tried to tell people about Artemis, I'd be booted as a spammer (most forums are REALLY uptight about that sort of thing these days). Seriously, if you like Artemis, the best thing you can do to help the community grow is to talk about it on gaming forums.
Creator of Artemis
ColinBradbury said Nov 22, 2010 02:28:34
I have mentioned it but they are very happy to help the independent developer, If you send a message to Darkone first, he is the creator of the site and very friendly and helpful I am sure he would be more than accommodating to help you spread word of Artimus.

Infact, I will PM him for you as I already have an account and growing reputation there, and pass on anything he says to you.

There are a lot of friendly people on there who I think would be more than happy to help contribute to Artimus.
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