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posted Jan 23, 2011 08:02:22 by trechipman
I've been kinda kicking around the idea of adding a soundtrack to play in the background over the main screen's speakers-- probably something like Babylon 5's theme music or something else suitably spacey/militaristic-- but I'm concerned it might be more distracting than it is immersive. Has anyone else tried this, and, if so, how was the experience?

Oh! And also, if this did work for your group, what music did you pick?
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4 replies
ThomRobertson said Jan 23, 2011 15:08:59
This kind of thing is immersive and valuable. I always try to have a soundtrack mix playing at the cons I demo Artemis at. We did it at Arisia and many people commented positively.

I know of one regular group who brags about their DJ buddy; all he does is spin a soundtrack, and it adds to the game.

Eventually I'd love to find some musicians to make an original, official soundtrack for Artemis that I could sell on the website and at conventions.
Creator of Artemis
John said Jan 23, 2011 21:29:03
That sounds like a shoe in addition to the Comms station. "Call DS2 for a status report, set Red Alert and switch to the Dramatic Music Folder!!"
LeeKeiserII said Jan 25, 2011 16:48:24
As long as there's a volume slider somewhere so it can be adjusted as necessary, I think this is a great idea.

I've thought of having some type of ship-ambient noise besides the engine-hum. Not sure what it could/should be, but thought it would add to the immersion.
Eric said Jan 30, 2011 01:02:31
I do love the random beeps and such on the bridge of the Enterprise. I believe it adds to the immersion.
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