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A War Story: When a Laptop Dies

posted Mar 03, 2011 14:55:09 by Mike_Substelny
I was running Helm on an unfamiliar laptop that (unknown to me) had no external power supply. Up against a large formation of enemy ships, Artemis was executing a tight turn just as my Helm laptop died. Can you guess what happened?

Artemis continued to turn. Enemies continued to close in and fire, quickly surrounding us. With no helm control we could not warp. Artemis kept spinning in a tight circle. Suddenly three officers became very busy. The Engineer had to keep switching power between forward and rear shields, and the Science Officer had to call out which targets had the weakest shields bearing as the Weapons Officer kept switching weapons lock onto different targets. Only Communications was unaffected by this emergency.

The obvious solution would be for Comms to restart their computer as Helm , but that didn't have the feel of good old classic Science Fiction like Star Trek, Star Wars, BSG, etc. The Captain decided to wait for me to find a power supply and reboot my Helm laptop. In the end there was nowhere near enough time for that.

The situation was wonderfully stressful. We might have been able to fight our way out, but as our spinning ship took more and more damage the Captain decided that Artemis was doomed. She waited until all of the enemy ships were right on top of us and ordered Weapons to fire our last nuke. Artemis went out in a blaze of glory and took the whole enemy fleet with it.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
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3 replies
EricWethington said Apr 27, 2013 00:39:32
YESSSS!!! going out in a blaze of glory!
"... ooops!"
Last words of Captain Phour Phazier Phred from Phremont
EricWethington said Apr 27, 2013 00:40:48
YESSSS!!! going out in a blaze of glory!
"... ooops!"
Last words of Captain Phour Phazier Phred from Phremont
Captain said Apr 27, 2013 02:54:26
If you can't win. Take them all with you. I salute you.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
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