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Tragic Mistake

posted Sep 03, 2011 04:53:05 by Charlie
Flying simulated battles running helm, tactical and engineer myself I began pushing the limit of my expertise. I've become very proficient and effective only withdrawing when all options of attack have been exhausted. On one mission I had successfully destroyed entire enemy fleet save one. I had exhausted my entire compliment of weaponry and was transfering energy to torpedoes when enemy broke through my aft shield. I went to evade and was faced with the realization that I had also depleted all energy. The enemy tore into my propulsion systems, I knew I was in trouble. Desperate to survive, I nervously reached for the weapons console and fired my last torpedo. I instantly knew I had made a fatal mistake, I could have transfered that last torpedo to energy and probably evaded. I sat and watched my ship get ripped to shreds. Thanks to the fact that it was a simulation, I learned a valuable lesson and now accrue the knowledge and hopefully the conviction, to make the right decision in the future, right down to the very end.

Capt FutileChas
Artemis 1701
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