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The Jump Drive Spaghetti Factory: Sorry Doesn't Cut It.

posted Jan 11, 2012 16:14:01 by Mike_Substelny
I tried playing both Science and Helm on a jump drive ship. That was a challenging combination! IMO the jump drive gives you a great tactical tool if you have dedicated Captain-Science-Helm players working like a well-oiled machine. If these roles are doubled up with something else, or if they don't coordinate well, disasters will happen.

My game ended when I accidentally jumped too close to a black hole. Black holes are VERY dangerous to jump drive ships because impulse can't pull you out of the gravity well. I knew this and had planned my jump to land in a completely different part of the sector, but I must have entered the coordinates wrong.

Playing both Science and Helm I must have miscommunicated with myself. Before I could jump again my ship and crew were spaghettified by a whirling vortex of crushing black death.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
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4 replies
DrTwitch said Jan 11, 2012 17:03:18
our bridge crew works well only if the captian is well oiled :)

(jumpdrive, the new spagetti factory, if we have usable planets those could become the "waffle house")
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here come the drums
Mike_Substelny said Jan 13, 2012 03:54:01
In that case the nuke is the "International House of Pancakes."
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
MatthewWhiteacre said May 29, 2012 11:39:58
Well, asteroids sort of look like meatballs...
ED-SKaR said Sep 17, 2012 21:23:45
Our crew have come to the conclusion that black holes interfere with jumps, though we haven't tested it yet.
Always ready, often armed.
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