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[Mission] Regula Sector v1.0 (best w 5 players)

posted Aug 26, 2012 18:19:40 by michaelhermanns
Hi all!

I bought 1.65 lately and had a great time playing it with some friends of mine. This weekend i gave the game a closer look regarding the scripting capabilities, read the forum, installed the Mission Editor (which is really great!!) and startet testing and scripting a mission.

For Artemis 1.65.
Overview: Space station Regula 2 misses its science team! Is this a simple rescue mission?
Stations needed: Helm, Weapons, Science, Comm
Suggestions: Science and Comm got a lot to do. Don't underestimate their jobs in this mission!

You can download it here from my hp (german). The mission however is in english :-)

It contains one playable chapter yet. I intend to add more chapters in the same mission and also work on the ballancing. I think, it's too simple and maybe still a little rough edged, here and there, but as i said, it's my first approach.

Tell me, what you think.
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6 replies
jimelnino1 said Aug 27, 2012 03:04:50
I just played it, pretty cool, I think it would be a good introductory mission for people new to the game. Every station has something to do and it's got some twists in there.

One suggestion, write in some kind of reason for the enemy ships that spawn from the planet. Like maybe a warning from the people you are rescuing that some enemy force is launching an assault on Regula 1 and you have to stop it.

Also the game doesn't end when you deliver the team to Regula 2, not sure if it should or not.

Keep up the good work!

michaelhermanns said Aug 28, 2012 20:59:57
Thanks for your test and your opinion!

You are right, i should add some explanations for the spawning ships. I intended to reveal the whole plot step by step in chapter 2 and 3 of this mission (so Lt Cmd Kravak roll isn't only "nag the players while on board" but to play a more important part in the later story).

About the missing end. Seems to be a bug in my script, which i will remove with an update of the mission soon (or ad the other chapters and THEN the end).

I discovered another thing bothering me, maybe someone can help?

At start of the mission i set the properties of artemis to

    <create type="player" x="5931.0" y="0.0" z="3399.0" angle="218,7" name="Artemis" />
    <set_object_property property="countECM" value="1" name="Artemis" />
    <set_object_property property="countNuke" value="0" name="Artemis" />
    <set_object_property property="countMine" value="0" name="Artemis" />
    <set_object_property property="countHoming" value="0" name="Artemis" />
    <set_object_property property="energy" value="317" name="Artemis" />

but somehow these amounts of torpedoes are not shown! Shown are the original values. But when the weapons console tries to transfer torp to energy, it doesn't work because the value is 0 (what is intended by the script) and only while refuleing at a station, the values are counting from 0 (ECM from 1) to their max.

Has anybody an idea, what i did wrong here?

Mike_Substelny said Sep 04, 2012 16:06:47
I don't think you did anything wrong, Michael. This is just how Artemis works. The server communicates the number of torps to the Weapons console before executing the script, then it doesn't communicate that number again until Weapons tries to use them. Thus the server knows that there are no Type I Homing torps aboard long before the Weapons console knows.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
PirateGent said Jan 31, 2013 02:33:00
Just "tested" the mission for an upcoming session with my group - very nice but I agree there is a "bug" in the game ending. Otherwise GREAT Story!!
Baton Rouge, LA
michaelhermanns said Mar 31, 2013 11:05:54

REGULA 1.1 for Artemis 1.70

get it from my homepage

[Last edited Mar 31, 2013 21:09:08]
TaigiaReilly said Apr 21, 2013 02:38:40
We tried your mission and it continued to freeze. Our ship spawned it was heavily damaged and only had 200 energy and dropping. Is this suppose to happen?
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