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Artemis-Class Ships?

posted Nov 28, 2012 04:37:55 by DouglasRundleIII
I have a question about the player ships in the game as far as how they would be classified in the canon established on the wiki.

The wiki says:
"2188 - Construction of the Artemis-Class Star Cruiser begins."
"2191 - The leading vessels of the Artemis-Class are launched. Containing the highest technology available to the Star Navy, including the fastest TLT Warp Drive thus produced. The vessel is capable of speeds well beyond that of the known Alien races, and their armament is far superior."
"2199 - Individual ships of the Artemis-Class are assigned patrol lanes in and around the various forward mining stations, each tasked with the defense of a given sector of space."

Now, the player ship selection includes Light Cruiser, Scout, Battlship, Missile Cruiser, and Dreadnought. My question is, are these each variations of the Artemis-Class Cruiser, i.e. "Artemis-Class Battleship"? or are they classified as different classes, and if so, what are they?

Another question as well; Is the Artemis the flagship of the Artemis-Class Cruisers?
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17 replies
xavierwise.tsn said Nov 29, 2012 18:29:38

I have been compiling a Ship Recognition Handbook and this was an issue that I came across when including such details in the handbook and one that I have not yet made a decision on. Currently, the Artemis class is classified as a light cruiser vessel. For the heavier vessels, e.g. the battleship, the dreadnaught etc, I was going to enter their details as being of a different class, possibly using the names provided on the client screen when selecting a vessel; Intrepid, Horatio, Excalibur etc would make good ship class names in my opinion. Each name would then be related to a ship type e.g. Intrepic Class would be the missile cruiser, Horatio Class would be the Battleship.
DouglasRundleIII said Nov 30, 2012 00:48:40
I like that idea! I think those would make incredibly fitting names for the classes of the ships! It's also a tried and true method considering a similar class-naming system was used in Star Trek. :)

Oh, by the way, excellent work on the TSN handbook! I'm reading it little by little as often as I can! :)
xavierwise.tsn said Nov 30, 2012 16:49:35
Thank you for the feedback. I welcome any comments and suggestions regarding the handbooks; it's really great to hear that people read them and like them.
DouglasRundleIII said Dec 01, 2012 19:13:47
Hey, another question... How are the ships designated, and by that I mean, are do they go by "U.S.S", as in "U.S.S. Artemis"? Or are they designated by another means? And how about registration numbers?
xavierwise.tsn said Dec 01, 2012 20:54:17
Well, personally I have gone for designating them as TSN Starship.... So my own is designated as the TSN Starship Falcon. I've seen people take up star trek canon and name them USFP, or navel terms currently in use, most commonly USS or HMS. On registration numbers... I guess that's up to you if you want to make one up for your ship.
[Last edited Dec 01, 2012 20:58:30]
DouglasRundleIII said Dec 02, 2012 03:08:31
Thanks for your feedback once again! I believe the "TSN" designation works quite well and I believe I'll be using that as well! I'll have to give more thought to the registration number, as it could be useful in one way, but probably not necessary at the same time.
TimKenney said Dec 14, 2012 18:05:31
If you guys think about it from a Star Trek PoV, look at it this way:

Galaxy Class Starship

- USS Enterprise
- USS Challenger
- USS Excalibur
- USS Galaxy


Intrepid class

- USS Voyager
- USS Pathfinder
- USS Intrepid


For Artemis Spaceship Builder we have:

- Scout ("Defiant class")
- Battleship ("Galaxy Class"
- Missile Cruiser ("Galen")
- Dreadnought ("Galen")
- Light Cruiser ("Intrepid")

So, now we move foward and we name our ship:

Ship Type - Scout
Ship Name - Artemis

Ship Type - Dreadnought
Ship Name - Artemis


Ship Type - Scout
Ship Name - Voidless.

Ship Type - Dreadnought
Ship Name - Voidmore

So if I understand you properly, I hope this helps out a little bit :D If I missed the topic, disregard this post and move on :D
[Last edited Dec 14, 2012 18:08:53]
xavierwise.tsn said Dec 14, 2012 19:46:13
The way I have considered it is this:

Type: Light Cruiser
Class: Artemis Class
Designation (Name): T.S.N. Artemis
Registration No.: CL-726

Type: Battleship
Class: Excalibur Class
Designation (Name): T.S.N. Falcon
Registration No.: BS-265

The type is used to denote the kind of role the ship has been designed for, particularly when operating as part of a fleet (for example Missile cruiser = long range support, Battleship = close range mainline vessel, Scout = fast and light recon vessel etc.) The class then refers to the actual hull configuration. construction. Finally the registration number includes the ship type for easy reference, an id number and (in the extended registration number) the year of launch.

As part of my series of handbooks, I have been putting these ideas into a handbook about the structure and operation of the TSN. It is still being written and revised, so is subject to change, and it is by no means official canon of the Artemis universe. It is something that I wanted to share with everyone to give more depth to the Artemis universe.
[Last edited Dec 14, 2012 19:55:45]
GregoryWalek said Dec 15, 2012 18:40:23
Right now there are 13 TSN Ships. The 3 NPC's we know their hull symbols already.
** DS - Stations
** TR - Transports
** DE - Destroyer Escorts \ Escort Ships

It's the playable ships that's a real question.
1) US Navy denotes a ship that's nuclear power by adding an "N". Example. SS is submarine. SSN is Nuclear powered Sub. I've use the same notation using "J" for ships that have Jump Drives. I'm going with the US Hull Code System Cause it's easier to understand and use.
2) We know that two of them are Cruisers already. The issue is what is the the Scout, Dreadnought, and Battleship. When I look at them and their profiles, They're really varients of the Light Cruiser and not new ships all together.
3) So I've classified all of the playable ships as Cruisers below. The Dreadnought I've classified as a Command Ship. The Battleship is an Armored Cruiser. The Scout I've created a new desination "CS" for it. It could be CP (p for patrol), but uisng an S seems more reasonable here.

** CL - Light Cruiser - Warp Drive
** CS - Scout - Warp Drive
** CA - Battleship - Warp Drive
** CG - Missle Cruiser - Warp Drive
** CC - Dreadnought - Warp Drive

** CSJ - Scout - Jump Drive
** CLJ - Cruiser - Jump Drive
** CAJ - Battleship - Jump Drive
** CGJ - Missle Cruiser - Jump Drive
** CCJ - Dreadnought - Jump Drive

Completely up for discussion here!
xavierwise.tsn said Dec 15, 2012 19:38:44
For designating ships I took your suggestions last week about using military designations. I have taken a slightly different approach to yourself however. I have published the details in the Structure and Operation of the TSN handbook that I have been writing
[Last edited Dec 15, 2012 20:10:15]
TheoBrinkman said Dec 15, 2012 20:39:29
My suggestion for names for each class of ship:

Scout: Hermes
Light Cruiser: Artemis
Battleship: Athena
Dreadnaught: Ares
Missile Cruiser: Hades
Carrier: Hera

It keeps with the naming theme, and the names are at least somewhat evocative of the ship's intended role.
[Last edited Dec 15, 2012 20:58:36]
Mike_Substelny said Dec 20, 2012 14:57:20
The first version of Artemis SBS had only one player ship available, the Light Cruiser. That was the origin of the Wiki's "Artemis class."

Eventually there will be official canon for the Artemis universe that will account for the changes to the software up to now and into the future.

FWIW, real world "wet" navy warship classes usually include just a few ships. That is because it takes so long to build a warship and technology changes before it is complete. For instance, the United States Navy has built or planned 73 different battleships of 24 different classes.

There is a significant difference between the New York class USS TEXAS (shown in my profile photo) and the Iowa class USS NEW JERSEY, even though they are both "battleships."
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
JacobMartinek said Jan 09, 2013 03:01:48
For designations, I think TSN Starship seems a bit redundant (Stellar [...] Starship).

Maybe TSS for Terran Stellar Ship? *Heroic voice* I am Captain Martinek of the TSS Totemic!
Captain Jacob Martinek
T.S.N. Totemic (BS193-113)
xavierwise.tsn said Jan 09, 2013 07:35:15
I have had similar discussions in the past with other people that I played with and decided to drop the Starship from the name. My personal vessel is the T.S.N. Falcon (CL-245). You can see in later posts above where that particular decision came in for me (around about the 14th Dec post I think). With the newest update to the game "TSN" is an official prefix for ships too.
[Last edited Jan 09, 2013 07:36:35]
JacobMartinek said Jan 09, 2013 15:45:19
Great! It's been bothering me how to format my ship title. ^_^ T.S.N. Totemic (CA-113) it is!
[Last edited Jan 09, 2013 15:46:15]
Captain Jacob Martinek
T.S.N. Totemic (BS193-113)
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