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Fog of War

posted Jan 05, 2013 22:15:11 by crazymatt007
Has anyone tried having a map that reveals itself as the Artemis explores the area, rather than starting with the sector already mapped out on LRS and the science console? If so, is the preferred implementation of this idea to spawn the objects as the Artemis comes within range of fixed points on the map, or use the eliteAbilityBits and eliteAbilityState commands to disable and enable visibility of objects already present on the map?
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6 replies
GregoryWalek said Jan 05, 2013 23:42:47
Some of this can be achieved by reducing the level of sensors from unlimited to a lower level.
crazymatt007 said Jan 06, 2013 00:32:32
From what I've read elsewhere on these forums, it's my understanding that reducing the sensor levels only affects the long range and tactical sensors, while leaving the science scanners unchanged. Am I mistaken, or was this issue been addressed in a previous update?
Captain said Jan 06, 2013 00:36:01
You are correct but there is a movement attempting to have this changed. So this may be different in the next update. But for know this is the case.
[Last edited Jan 06, 2013 00:40:28]
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Mike_Substelny said Jan 07, 2013 14:55:37
I like the idea of a self-revealing map, but mostly for named objects. A ship entering a sector should know about any nebulae, black holes, and asteroids immediately. These things are visible far away, even from Earth. And obviously the players should know about any stations or friendly ships in the sector.

Mines, monsters, space whales, enemy ships, and anomalies could be revealed as they go.
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lucas99801 said Feb 02, 2013 15:38:43
You could always create spawn instances for each section of the map, where the enemy ships/whales/etc don't spawn until you come in range of a specific location
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JSpaced said Feb 02, 2013 16:03:53
Lucas is right. Best way to do it in a mission is to script a sphere from the point of the object(s) that need revealing and create them as the Artemis arrives within the sphere. The Mission Script Editor would far and away be the easiest way to do that.
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