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Main music edits

posted Jan 09, 2013 00:51:32 by DannySullivan
I tried looking for this in the forum but I could't find anything on it. I am trying to manipulate the sound files and I can't find the code that controls that. I can find all the sound files and I tried to just use the same file name but use a different sound file to 'trick' the game but I can't control when and how slow/ fast to play the files.

For example, I wanted to mod the start up screen for Artemis to be a different song playing and when it plays my new file the sound is veeeeerrrrrryyyy sllllloooowwweeedd doooowwwwnnnn.

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8 replies
CaptainZach said Jan 09, 2013 01:25:13
Try using a program like Audacity to change the sound format from stereo to mono.
DannySullivan said Jan 09, 2013 14:17:26
That worked perfectly! Thank you! So for future reference, is the source code not open for edits?
DeaneGeiken said Jul 17, 2013 18:15:50
Danny, what did you do exactly? I am considering exchanging some of the sound effects and music files out with other effects. Care to elaborate on what you did and any caveats?
Commander -TSN Belisarius (BS 108)
DeaneGeiken said Jul 24, 2013 19:23:33
I figured out how to make new edits, but I am looking for the cues in the coding. Where do I find what cue plays what music file?
Commander -TSN Belisarius (BS 108)
DannySullivan said Jul 25, 2013 14:20:37
Hey there DeaneGeiken, sorry for the late reply. I actually just copied the actual music files to a different directory and the placed my music into the game directory and just named them whatever the original file was called. This tricked the code into playing my file. Then, as a caveat, I ran into the issue above with stereo sound slowing the music down. But once I ran the file through Audacity like CaptainZach suggested it worked perfectly. I couldn't find a way into the game source code. I surmise that isn't open for general modding. :\
[Last edited Jul 25, 2013 14:21:26]
DeaneGeiken said Jul 25, 2013 14:31:25
Thanks Danny. I used Adobe Audition and made the files into .ogg files and edited them within Audition to fade in and out, and grab portions of music that I thought would sound good. I like the original stuff, but after a few years of playing it, it kind of got repetitious so I decided to throw in some variety. It works pretty well, but some of my files are a bit longer than the original so it plays on a bit longer than maybe it should.
Commander -TSN Belisarius (BS 108)
DannySullivan said Jul 25, 2013 14:36:36
Is that free software. I have actually never heard of Adobe Auditions. I just dropped in files. A lot from Star Trek because I can associate to those sound better. Especially the Red Alert! :)
DeaneGeiken said Jul 25, 2013 14:58:41
No... Audition CS6 is pretty top grade stuff. I wish it were free software. It is the shi*!
Commander -TSN Belisarius (BS 108)
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