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Frequent disconnect from server at 1.7

posted Jan 20, 2013 17:35:08 by Jonathan

I'm wondering if others are havinge problems getting disconnected regularly from the server with 1.7? I have played twice, and hit the issue both times. The first time I had the server and client running on my computer, and a friend connected over the Internet. He got disconnected 3-4 times over about an hour and a half. He had to exit the program to reconnect, and one that didn't work until he rebooted. Yesterday I played with a crew of 5 (helm played on a client on the server, and we had separate machines for engineering, weapons, captain's map, and science / comms. We also got repeatedly disconnected except for the player who was on the server machine. This time exiting the artemis program and reopening wouldn't do it, we had to reboot the server before we could get back in. The weird thing is that each client could get on the internet even though we couldn't reconnect to artemis. We verified that the server IP address didn't change, and we could still ping it, so I'm guessing this might have been at least partly an artemis problem. Is anyone else seeing this? Anything we can try, or is there some way we can log the problem as it is occurring so as to be able to send more detailed and helpful technical info to Thom?
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6 replies
elderezlo said Jan 23, 2013 14:16:08
I wouldn't quite say "regularly" but I've also had issues with people randomly losing their connection. Usually we've managed to get the in game situation under control long enough for them to reconnect. However, one time I was kicked from helm control and when I reconnected, helm was still "taken". We had to restart our game because we had no way of flying the ship.

We've also had trouble getting connected to begin with at times even though we could ping the server.
SigbiornSigmundarson said Jan 28, 2013 00:44:12
We may have run into a similar problem last night. The server we were using seemed to continuously drop packets. The problem wasn't fixed until we switched servers.
EAdnams said Mar 19, 2013 23:46:09
Same here. Using wifi tho... Is wired better?
Jonathan said Mar 25, 2013 01:38:40
We played again at my work (after hours) with a much more robust wireless setup, and this issue wasn't eliminated, but it was much better. People still got kicked off, but could reconnect within seconds in most cases. We did have the game crash a few times on some PCs, but generally after 2 failed attempts to restart the third was successful. Still haven't tried it with wired connections; we wanted to be able to play with iPads (which was a much better experience for communications and science stations, and a bit better for weapons).
LawsonThompson said Mar 25, 2013 03:29:21
Just noted that the original poster mentioned having both remote Internet players and LAN players join the server. Are you using the LAN address for the LAN players, and only using the external IP address for the remote players? That should give the best results.

Some routers can use the external IP address for all players, but this requires a bit more work for the router to do, and could (in theory) slow down some weak routers. I think the feature is called "Filter Internet NAT redirection".

If you really want to jump into deep voodoo, you could start up WireShark ( on the server and configure it to capture all traffic to TCP port 2010, watching for DUP ACK, RST, or a lot of out of order packets. That could indicate further network setup is warranted. Note that Wireshark can eat a lot of CPU power, so have a strong server for this.
toumaltheorca said Mar 25, 2013 09:27:08
Artemis really doesn't like lag. If you set your server update rate higher than what your slowest client connection can do, you *will* get disconnects. This is a particular issue in mixed networks or WAN.
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