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Mission suggestions

posted Feb 10, 2013 20:20:53 by nelsonconley
Hi all!
I've played one 3-player Artemis test drive and loved it (April 2012--not sure what version). One of the participants now wants to have an epic Artemis session for his bachelor party. Awesome. Since only a couple of us will have played before the bachelor party, I wanted to get the other players up to speed and plan out the missions ahead of time.

There will be 10 players, so we'll have two 5-man crews. We would like to play co-op.

1. Can you folks suggest 3-5 modes and missions to start with?
2. What is the best "just getting started" resource we can have people read ahead of time. The wiki?
3. Are there any differences with the iOS version that I should know about? It didn't exist when I last played.

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5 replies
xavierwise.tsn said Feb 10, 2013 20:51:18
Someone created some A4 sheets about each console and posted them on the wiki. They were designed for use at events and conventions where people would just come along and play with no experience. Each page briefly details the information on how to operate each console. They should be a good match for your needs, you can find them here.

For missions, there is an Elite Coop mode which would be good to play as you have to work together and support each other. If you die, the enemies respawn, the dead ship respawns, however and destroyed bases or allies don't. You can also increase enemy abilities to make them more challenging. Some players have designed one or two missions for multiple bridge crews to play (although I couldn't tell you which they are from memory). You can also just play the Invasion mode and run two ships. Changing difficulty levels and sector layouts makes for varied and fast paced games.

As for the iOS, I have no information I can provide about it, sorry.
nelsonconley said Feb 11, 2013 04:53:27
Thank you! The handouts are going to be helpful. We'll play around with Invasion mode.
Charlie said Feb 11, 2013 05:15:26
Nelson, good luck at friends party. Here are a few of my missions that have a variety of scenarios.

A Clockwork Torgoth
Belly of the Beast
Kralien Pass
Plan 10 from Outer Space
Something Torgoth This Way Comes
Wayward Son

Most difficult one being: Something Torgoth This Way Comes but all the others are fairly easy.

A Clockwork Torgoth has a two ship story, and Plan 10 from Outer Space will spawn in a few more enemies if the Intrepid is spawned in also.

Good luck with event. Chas
[Last edited Feb 11, 2013 05:16:29]
nelsonconley said Feb 17, 2013 06:08:06
Thanks Chas. Will those missions all work with 1.70?
Charlie said Feb 17, 2013 07:38:11
I believe so I've tested them pretty extensively and I'm pretty sure they all work. I haven't heard of any problems with them. I would recommend playing with a difficulty up near what you normally fly with accept for "Something Torgoth This Way Comes": definitely difficulty 1ish, and I would consider 33 k sensors or less. Makes for a nice variation to the norm. Good luck, hope you enjoy.

[Last edited Feb 17, 2013 07:41:22]
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