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Transfering Weapons from Stations

posted Mar 09, 2013 14:05:52 by BobbyMorris
When I dock at a station that has the weapons I need, they don't transfer after I dock. How do you get the weapons?
I am new...just downloaded about a week ago. Any help?
[Last edited Mar 13, 2013 21:32:32]
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1 reply
Captain said Mar 10, 2013 14:39:34
They should just transfer. However each ship can hold only a certain amount of each weapon and the stations each only have some weapons. They don't hold an infinite supply of each. To find out what weapons they have you need a comms counsel and you need to ask the station for a report. That will tell you all weapons. Then you can tell them what weapons to build.
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And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
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