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Warp Drive vs Jump Drive: What's up with That?

posted Mar 14, 2013 20:59:17 by Mike_Substelny
Currently Artemis 1.7x allows you to play a TSN ship with either warp drive or jump drive. I have asked Thom to preserve this in the future so you will always be able to choose either form of superluminal propulsion. But this is very difficult to explain canonically. How can Artemis have warp drive one day and jump drive the next day? Why does a jump drive ship look exactly like a warp drive ship?

My plan is to make jump drive TSN ships non-canonical. That is, you will always be able to play with jump-drive TSN ships, but most of the battles you fight will be outside of canon. While the human race can buy or build a jump-drive ship, the TSN specializes in warp drive. Civilian ships might use either form of superluminal travel, but most prefer warp drive.

My hope is that some future release of Artemis will introduce a new player race called the Ximni. The Xmini will use jump drive and weapons that are different from the TSN. Ximni ships will look like they have jump drive instead of warp engines. Players could still select warp drive for a Ximni ship, but that will be ouside of canon.

Note that I will never discourage players from doing this. Playing outside of canon is like staging a battle of the starship Enterprise vs the Battlestar Galactica. It could be a lot of fun!

So what do you think? Is that a solution with which you can live?
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
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31 replies
AdmlBaconStraps said Jul 06, 2013 07:08:07
I don't think the plan ever WAS for the TSN to really have/use jump drives.. More of a novelty on a few ships (Think Data on TNG) than a staple/common element
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