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Skaaran Elite abilities - how do they work?

posted Mar 17, 2013 21:10:43 by hancock.steven
The manual (at least, the pdf version linked off the website) lists 6 different elite abilities that Skaaran vessels can have.

1. Warp Drive (5 second bursts)
2. Jump Drive (6,000 unit range)
3. Invisibility to Tactical
4. Cloaking device (60 seconds)
5. Invisibility on Main Screen
6. High-speed turning

I've read somewhere about invisible to science being removed. So I guess that was there before too?

So, how do they get allocated abilities. Do certain classes of ship have different abilities? Or are they randomly generated for each ship?
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1 reply
Mike_Substelny said Apr 01, 2013 14:08:18
In Invasion mode and Elite Co-op mode the server assigns random abilities to each Skaraan. In Mission Mode the script writer can specify which abilities each Skaraan should have.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
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