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Is there a way to zoom in the main screen tactical view?

posted Mar 18, 2013 16:50:39 by Khorlith
Ran a mission yesterday where the ship engaged about 8 units. They are so bunched together on the screen that I can't pick out identifiers needed to direct the weapon officer.

Is there a way to zoom in the main screen tactical view?

In a similar vein, if the Forward, Starboard, Aft and Port displays also had an option to show the ships ID above the ship, that would make those views very useful.
Bridge crew memeber since 1.66.
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1 reply
CaptainZach said Mar 18, 2013 18:38:04
I super-wish this was a feature. It would be very cool to see targeting information on the main screen, or some kind of tactical-overlay, and the ability to "zoom in" on a target. All of this could be toggled on or off if you want to choose between main screen as a "tactical multi-function display" or "space window".

No such feature exist in the game at present, but I will request it for version 2!
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