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Task Force 42 - Bridge Crew - Cheyenne, WY and other Cons/Events

posted Apr 02, 2013 05:31:53 by BrandonSivret is a community for current and former US Military members using video games for PTSD and veterans benefits outreach. Our simulator is currently at FE Warren AFB, but we do travel around using the sim to run leadership/teamwork workshops. We also have a full, unique background/IP using old flightsuits with our own patches and sewn on rank.

If you are in the area and would like to come check us out we're in Cheyenne, but it is transportable and we are willing to travel to events. Our schedule as of right now includes SOE Live 2013 1-4 August and 2 November we'll be supporting FE Warren AFB for the 23-hour marathon hosted by to raise money for Children's Hospitals across the nation.
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