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Co-Caster Casting Call

posted Apr 23, 2013 07:31:32 by tieguyny
Hi everybody, I'm keeping busy scheduling events here in CA, and I've got a big one on the horizon. I'm interested in doing some live casting of the game in progress, and am looking for someone who would be interested in attending an event (probably in September) to do said casting along with me. The ideal candidate would be knowledgeable of Artemis, the workings of each console, and the strategies employed by an experienced crew. They would also know how to speak clearly and quickly, without excessive stuttering or 'word whiskers' - "ahs" and "ums". Think radio dj or sports commentator. Also, someone who gets excited about the game, even when just watching. VERY IMPORTANT. If you're not excited about the game, you can't create excitement in anyone else.

If you feel you would be a good candidate, and could make it out to Central California in a few months, feel free to contact me via my website, using the form on the contact page.
[Last edited Apr 23, 2013 07:43:31]
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