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Anyone still playing, maybe accept two new players?

posted May 07, 2013 22:40:01 by AnthonyHyde
My friend and I are interested in this game. We have played every 4x game out there, from the text based of the 80s till the new ones like Stardrive.

We are looking for more, I found this.

But what is this community like, playing with just two of us( Helm and Weapons ) doesn't sound like it's worth the 40 dollar price tag.
[Last edited May 08, 2013 03:27:41]
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11 replies
Captain said May 08, 2013 03:37:37
Playing with just two isn't that great so if you plan to buy it I recommend you get more people. The community though often gets together online games. If you have a headset and teamspeak you can find games Friday through Sunday almost every week with 4 players to 12 players. I think the most I saw at once was fifteen but it doesn't often exceed 12. So the game is definitely worth it if you join online play. There is even an RP community up and running that trains and develops players.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
AnthonyHyde said May 08, 2013 03:54:19
We play our P&P online, Fantasy Grounds 2 so the teamspeak and headset thing isn't a problem at all.

Thanks for the info, I don't mind joining an online group.
crazymatt007 said May 08, 2013 04:10:24
Artemis with two players is effectively a different game. With or without picking up the extra stations (because you can have more than one station at a given computer), I'd say the cooperative experience feels something like Mario Kart: Double Dash. It's still quite fun, and has plenty of challenges to offer as far as difficulty goes, but inasmuch as overall immersion is concerned, nothing quite matches the magic of a full crew of six winning or losing together as a single unit. Just make sure that if you do buy the game for a two player crew that you have a third computer to run as a server, or else you will be in for all kinds of disappointment.
AnthonyHyde said May 08, 2013 16:19:39
I do have a third computer, for the host so we can connect to it.

Can we run mutli-copies of Artemis on the same computer?

And, I may purchase tonight- Anyone got room in a crew?
Charlie said May 08, 2013 17:46:58
Hey Anthony, with a third PC the game is much easier. Two people can have a lot of fun as engineer adds so much to the battle. Some of my computers open up in multiple screens and thats how a lot of people run it. Sounds like you've checked it out enough to see what its like so getting a game in with others almost always happens on the weekends. I've liked being involved as the game and community has expanded. I'm like a little kid when I hear about the updates coming! The community is great, there are a lot of great players that join in often. Even just observing the fights is a lot of fun, I've seen some pretty good ones.
Anyway, talk to you soon I'm sure.
Capt FutileChas

AnthonyHyde said May 09, 2013 04:13:45
Welp, just played my first four person game. I ended up recruiting the guys I pen and paper with, they all seemed intrigued. The first game sold them, the not having to buy their own sold them even more.

I guess, everyone has wanted to be on a starship. I even got the shy guy in the group in on it, made him play comms. >D

All in all, it was a delightful experience and beyond anything this has been a very helpful and welcoming community.

I look forward to more games and more interaction with this forum.
AnthonyHyde said May 09, 2013 15:13:12
Man(s), I can't get over the game I played last night.

That was incredible!
Captain said May 09, 2013 15:59:43
It really is exciting once you start. Hope to see you playing online this weekend.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
Charlie said May 09, 2013 17:21:51
DavidHarper said May 15, 2013 19:46:05
i'm interested in joining an online crew. maybe we can set something up over skype?
Captain said May 15, 2013 21:30:56
join the RP. They play on Saturdays. Still recruiting cadets.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
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