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LFC - Looking to start a Crew

posted May 13, 2013 03:28:09 by BenReuveni
Hey guys!

Was browsing the Play store last night and came upon Artemis. Immediately watched the video and I'm in love. I want to put together a crew and give this baby a whirl, but I'm kind of lost as to where to start aside from walking up to people and being like "Hey, wanna be on my crew?!".

I live in Berkeley, and was wondering if anyone has come across a meetup or other type of resource that would help me reach out to other potential players.

I started a Groupspace but I doubt it will yield any results, and with Meetup being a paid service to set up a group, that doesn't seem viable to me.

Any ideas?

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1 reply
Captain said May 13, 2013 11:56:38
Post on the bridge comms thread. Also for play time if you have a headset and teamspeak there are numerous weekend games and you could join the RP to get some professional play. I think most would agree that playing with actual people is better but but it is sometimes difficult to put together a game which is why I recommended the online media.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
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