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Artemis Campaigns

posted May 21, 2013 18:34:10 by matt.schillinger
I would like to discuss the feasability of a group creating a Mission Campaigns for the community to play.  These scenarios will provide a common storyline that players can enjoy, and discuss with fellow community members.  The creation of campaign missions at a regular interval (2 x per month, or monthly) will ensure there is plenty of great mission resources for Artemis crews to play, and the serial nature of the missions will bolster a crew’s desire to play more regularly. 


Campaigns will also deepen the universe of the TSN.  Alien races will become more than types of ships and tactics.  They become beings with their own cultures and purposes, that interact with the TSN and its crews.  Stories can unfold and change the dynamic of play over time.  As this occurs, new versions of Artemis may offer the ability to play ships of alien races. 


Campaigns should contain story arcs that last anywhere from 3 to 12 missions to complete.  The ultimate vision would be to have mission creators that are collaborating with one another, and possibly an elected group of ‘Canon Authors’. Separate missions can be unique, but have details that when put together tell a larger story. Over a year, many different missions in context provide a universal vision of what is happening in the TSN, its allies,  and enemies.    This will add depth to the universe. 


Campaigns should be dated (Stardate) and/or numbered, to ensure they are played in order.  This will allow a new crew to begin playing through the earliest campaigns in order if they wish.  The primary reason for dating and numbering is to ensure that cannon development is kept in context.


This brings us to the ultimate Artemis fandom feature:  Finales.


Each year during Convention season (late spring to late Summer), Artemis crews can converge to complete the final mission of a year’s campaign, in full bridge simulator glory!  The mission would initially  only be  available to con-goers. The mission can be released to the public a couple months after con season ends.  This offers a ‘premium’ experience for players that are effectively supporting Thom financially, via having first dibs access to the finales.  I see this as a way to incentivize ‘giving back’, in thanks for a great piece of software that we all love. 



Other Play Options


Many in the Artemis community are not only players of Artemis, but also roleplayers and/or LARPers.  There are many opportunities to create synergy between these communities.  It wouldn’t be a far stretch to say that players of Artemis would enjoy RPG experiences that allow them to play their crew’s off ship adventures.  Along with Artemis campaign missions, RPG modules could be created to coincide with certain points in an Artemis campaign.  These modules could be considered optional, for those that enjoy roleplaying games and would be interested in further deepening their Artemis experience.


The addition of RPG modules would also work well at conventions, and possibly be a good prelude to the campaign finale.



I know that this is a lot of information to take in, and a lot of options.  My goal was to explain the overall vision to help excite people of the possibilities and to help recruit people to help in the endeavor.



-       Create a group of ‘Canon Developers’ that will collaboratively create a seasonal universe arc.

-       Recruit Mission Scripters that are on board with the vision and will work with Canon developers to create the necessary campaign missions.

-       Divide the Mission Scripters to different missions of the campaign arch, or potentially supporting missions that can occur parallel to the Campaign Arc.

-       Create the first 3-6 missions for the first campaign.

-       Recruit any necessary playtesters.

-       Playtest

-       Promote the Campaign to the Artemis Community.

-       Release the first Campaign Mission to the Artemis Community. Commit to  releasing a mission every other <insert day of week for releases>

-       Continue creating missions through completion of campaign.

-       Release any RPG modules to support the campaign.

-       Rinse

-       Repeat
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15 replies
Captain said May 21, 2013 21:29:55
I already put I thing out on the forums about a campaign. Right now it's on hold but the first mission is about a third to halfway done and is longer in scripting than hamachi sector. Because of this the project is on hold.

I am glad however to see someone else promising something similar. In my original post I had asked what people wanted to see in terms of a campaign. The first major response was choice and the second was missions other than pure combat ones. So overall this makes it rather difficult to make said campaign. If you still plan to do this however I will explain the conundrum I reached ( if you don't want to read my babble you can be done).

Problems with campaigns. The problem with an artemis campaign is mostly the story. If you want to maintain interest you need a strong story to follow with interesting missions. The problem is that artemis is combat focused. There isn't a lot you can do in terms of communications, negotiations, etc. they all can be scripted but it gets really difficult as artemis wasn't really made to handle such. Then you run into the second problem. Which is playability. A campaign will be long and if you manage to add these other components like negotiations players get bored. If comms is doing everything because the mission is diplomatic then weapons will be really bored. But if you make a combat based mission there is only so much comms can do. They can order allied ships but one they are all in location they run out of jobs to do (besides surrenders). If you try to do a mix science will finish scanning and be bored. The real problem though is in length. In a short mission none of this happens. 30 minutes and under there is plenty of action for everyone but once the necessities of moving ships and scanning stuff is done people get bored really fast. But any good mission will tell a good story which lasts longer than that time period. So you will have to manage story arc and keeping people interested for long periods for a campaign. Only several missions that I have played did that and to make a campaign of them would be difficult.

The other major problem is choice. People in artemis want choice that's what the games about. How will you deal with these guys how to fight them etc. which normally wouldn't be a big deal. But in a campaign this means you have to engineer multiple outcomes. Now you can be cheesy and give them options. Like take 500 energy or take 2 nukes. But stuff like that is pretty stupid and doesn't really give them story choices. Now you can ignore the people and make linear missions but something beyond that would be way cooler. My first mission that is on delay has five separate possible endings based on your actions. You can lose the mission but only if you are a fool. However some outcomes are rather undesirable(Court marshal) while others are far better. You however need to decide that before you start and plot the missions like so because if you choose to have an expanding story arc you will need to make multiple missions for each one pervious. I recommend this as long as you limit yourself. Meaning that each mission has two outcomes that have two outcomes. Then do like five missions. Every year you could do a short campaign like that.

Ok rambling done. That may have sounded really pessimistic but it is not. I just wanted you to be aware of the trouble ahead. I of course am quite willing to help. I even have a campaign written out. A linear one as I planed to do that then divide it into a multiple choice campaign. I will also help with beta testing and canon development (got some ideas there) I am not much of a scripted. Gots buddies who work with me on it but I can ask them if they are interested.

Also typed this on phone. Sorry for all grammar errors.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
matt.schillinger said May 21, 2013 22:25:58
I really appreciate your reply. I don't have any problems getting wisdom from oter viewpoints, especially from people who have already tried what I am trying to do.

First and foremost, my primary plan is about getting together the people ad technical resources to support developing a campaign. More people involved means more people to get ideas from, so in te end the whole should be better than what one could do on their own, especially better than what I could do on my own.

As far as the issue of roleplay, I have been running tabletop RPGs for years now, and although I won't claim to be super GM, I have picked up a lot of tips over the years. Most recently, I came upon Microscope RPG, which I think could offer some interesting concept transfer to Artemis Campaign creation.

Microscope is a worldbuilding game with RPG elements. At the start of the game, you determine the genre and what kind of tropes or set pieces you do and don't want in your world. For Artemis, most of that is provided, by the general cannon provided by Thom.

Next, you start with a static start point in history, and a static end point. This would be something like, "First encounters with Kraliens see challenges with territorial disputes."
matt.schillinger said May 21, 2013 22:30:19

That would be the beginning point. The end point would be "The Kraliens War begins".

These two bookends give us context, but don't tell us how we get from point a to point b.

That is where campaign missions come in. Each mission is a step along the path toward the Kraliens war.

I have to get going, but Incan elaborate more on the idea later.

The basic premis though, is that each mission is a short, punchy event with some value to further the story arc toward the Kraliens war.
Captain said May 21, 2013 22:33:14
Fair enough. Makes sense if you are doing a static game and it is true that with a large group you shouldn't have to much trouble with ideas. The problem is that there isn't a large group. I would say there are 10 or so people that have released more than one complex mission and are still doing so. I am not saying the rest if the scriptoria are bad I am just saying there are not a lot that do this frequently in a very complex way. Probably because they don't have time.

Now that I have been pessimistic time for the optimism. I would of course though love to work on this project and I bet that many aspiring scriptoria will join. Plus I believe you will be able to many of the current scripture as well. So I am in if you are interested in continuing this endeavor. One question though. Will these missions be fully voiced? If so I have a wealth of people that were going to help me on my mission who I can put at your disposal.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
matt.schillinger said May 21, 2013 23:10:01
I will say that I am not limiting to static mode. If more options are available or possible, I am game to find ways to include them.

As to full voice work, I am totally onboard for that. If we can farm out the scripting and get that done decently, it will make the missions that much cooler.

Lets see where this thread goes in regards to how much help we can put together. Even if it's just a couple people, I think we can make some cool missions. The main goal is creating some accountability and comradary that will keep us all moving toward the mission of pumping out mission scenarios. :)

If you have any other ideas or questions, keep it coming!
Captain said May 21, 2013 23:15:29
I am out for tonight. Will write some stuff down and send it to you over the next three or four days. You got an email I can use?
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
matt.schillinger said May 21, 2013 23:33:40
My forum username at

lucas99801 said May 22, 2013 06:45:29
I fully offer my scripting skills toward your goal. I often mull over ways to make comms more entertaining and with the new client key presses i feel like that may be a possibility. If I can wrap my head around it a little more I think I may be able to create a modular diplomatic event system within comms
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matt.schillinger said May 22, 2013 15:51:29
Thanks a lot Lucas! I really appreciate it. A coded model for comms will be a big help.

One thing that I was thinking about is a snippet that calls random events. Each sector could have one or two triggers that call a set of randomly selected events. If that sector is reused for a future mission, the random functions remain consistent (unless something in cannon renders them obsolete.

IMO, when using a story mode, it's good to reuse locations, rather than a new sector for each mission. Certainly we want to expose the crews to different and interesting parts of the galaxy, but from time to time, giving them something familiar (although possibly changed) provides franchise context (A good example is Star Trek DS9's Tribble Episode - It was fun and a bit Back to the Future-esque) Though don't get me wrong, I am not recommending turning Artemis campaigns into Red Dwarf ;) (Hmmmm... But anyway! :)

Maybe we should make a mission to transfer Trybbles from one starbase to a homeworld planet... And the ship crew has to work to keep the Trybbles from breeding and getting into ship systems! Ha! (only half joking)

I better stop, or I'll take this thread completely off the rails.

Thanks again for your interest and looking forward to working on great Artemis missions!
Mike_Substelny said May 22, 2013 17:27:33
Maybe we should make a mission to transfer Trybbles from one starbase to a homeworld planet... And the ship crew has to work to keep the Trybbles from breeding and getting into ship systems! Ha! (only half joking)

I'm F-Book friends with a lot of science fiction writers including Melinda M. Snodgrass, of ST:TNG fame, who absolutely loves Artemis. My hope is to someday get my F-Book friend David Gerrold (who wrote "The Trouble with Tribbles") to love Artemis, too, then convince him to write a mission script.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
lucas99801 said May 22, 2013 17:34:49
I've actually incorporated random events i to missions already, if i can locate the files again I'll send them your way. I've duplicated all invasion submissions except for the shield gen, and even added a fee custom missions. My favorite is a wandering transport that acts as a starbase when the player is in range and returns to normal routine after.
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matt.schillinger said May 22, 2013 17:41:33
Mike: Wow! That would be really awesome to see some ST greats playing/writing for Artemis. If there's any way I can help, let me know!

Lucas: That sounds really cool. I think we should take some of this offline (maybe to a private google+ community) for details that might give away spoilers. I'm fine staying on forum for anything else.
Captain said May 23, 2013 01:35:36
I have created a page for the campaign group on google+. Over the weekend I will start to add ideas untill then go HERE and join. I will approve as I get emails and hopefully we can get some discussion going.
[Last edited May 23, 2013 01:36:50]
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
matt.schillinger said May 23, 2013 19:10:34
Thanks captain! Anyone that is interested in helping to build cannon should contact Captain and request to join the Artemis Campaign G+ community!
matt.schillinger said May 24, 2013 13:02:54
Lucas: I was wondering what you think about using the idea of the Diplomat system with comms, and then it could expand based on different 'non-comms' criteria, such as if_Player_is_targeting, if_not_exists or if_exists (existence of enemy ships or objects the enemy wants), if_object_propery (things like whether an enemy has taken damage to a certain level, etc).

What i am thinking of is making something like a simple choice and action mechanism, that can kind of follow the scenario through, resulting in different enemy, neutral, and friendly behaviors based on the status of choices. I guess it would be like a simple form of what Dragon Age does as you make choices with your character, and how others relate to your character based on choices (both verbal and physical choices).

What do you think? I know it's pretty abstract at this point.
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