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Getting started with helm

posted May 24, 2013 02:06:36 by Moses
Hello, All :)

I played my first game of Artemis with my friends last night- it was a load of fun and we're already excited to do it again. I was at the helm station, using a joystick for control. However, it wasn't turning the ship all of the way when I tilted left and right (the bar didn't go all of the way). Is there a good way to calibrate the joystick and change the button settings?
Do you have any more general tips for me and my crew?

Thanks :)
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3 replies
Captain said May 24, 2013 02:23:35
Don't know about joystick but I have plenty of tips. Recommend that you first five or missions should be on difficulty 3 or lower. That way you can change positions and find those that you like. After that ramp it up to 7 on very interesting. It will be a huge change and you will likely die. But that challenge will make you way better and provide a goal. Following a victory on 7 ramp it up to 8. Then I would recommend beating all the missions that come with the game on slightly easier difficulties. Note that Hammack sector doesn't work without a patch on all computer.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
lucas99801 said May 24, 2013 06:01:06
Calibration/Customization depends on the joystick. Windows has default basic calibration, but no customization. If it's a Logitech stick, the Logitech Gaming Software will allow you to calibrate and fully customize all keypresses. Most joysticks have something similar.

If software is not an option, you'll need to edit the controls.ini file in the Artemis directory to customize your button presses, note that Artemis only accepts 8 Joy buttons in this way (UI_INPUT_JOY_BUTT0-7). So gaming software allows remapping of keys beyond those 8 :)

And I second what Captain says, only my suggestion was be start on 4 if you have a crew, jump to 7 after 3-4 missions, keep it barren, then go very interesting when you lose (and it's pretty certain that you will, haha).

I have yet to play the missions that come with the game, though.
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Captain said May 24, 2013 12:02:58
Lucas they are pretty simple but the introduce you to the idea of a mission. Which will make you consider trying more.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
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