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Overcharged Ship

posted May 25, 2013 19:58:00 by dupeofurl
Had shepparded a couple TRansports and DEstroyers into a base and when I docked to re-load I got WAY overschrged. Over 4000. Started taking DamCon casualties and overheating. Tried firing Homing torpedos and converting Energy to Torps, but not fast enough. Ended up running full Warp with Shields Up to drain the batteries to a sustainable level. NOT the time to collect an anomaly!
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5 replies
lucas99801 said May 26, 2013 08:06:06
Not an anomaly. Side missions. I feel like a fail safe should be put in place for this though. No Captain would knowingly allow a ship to be overcharged to an unsustainable rate. I've accidentally received 5000+. Warp 4 with shields is the only fix
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MichaelMesich said May 28, 2013 16:02:19
I believe he's referring to the floating anomalies in space that can boost your power.

I think it was an accidental pickup that got them to that state, not willing mission completions.
lucas99801 said May 28, 2013 17:08:18
But the chances of completing multiple energy missions during escort/docking seems much more likely than collecting 3 anomalies upon docking
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xavierwise.tsn said May 28, 2013 22:03:28
It can happen as Lucas says. You dock at a station circled by enough allies and far enough in to an invasion and you can end up getting a huge boost to energy, shields, weapons... it all depends on what missions have come through. In the case above, it is obvious that there had been a lot of missions for energy that were overlooked by the comms officer, or just left because it is too much of a detour. Head to the base with the allies and you get all the missions completed in one. It is rare that it happens. but it does and I have witnessed it myself, just not to such a serious extent.

Above a certain level of energy, your ship begins to sustain damage due to the massive amount of power in the system. I believe it was added to stop player collecting all the anomalies on tha map in one go.
lucas99801 said May 28, 2013 22:06:31
I completely agree with the sustained damage from the overcharge, I just feel a failsafe should be put in place to prevent sub-missions to be the cause of the overcharge. Allowing a final acceptance protocol for the mission supplies would be one method.
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