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Artemis Simulator Log and Appraisal

posted Jun 02, 2013 04:09:24 by cdm014
This session was run with a half crew, Officer Coco manned the helm, Officer Mealer managed the weapons console, and Commanding Officer/Detainee Mealer commanded the mission from engineering.

Session 1:
Ended in abject failure when Commander, now Detainee, Mealer ignored the #1 rule of engineering "Don't completely disable the warp drive just because you're in combat" and when calling for warp in an emergency situation discovered the justification for that rule's prominence.

Session 2:
After reconfiguring engineering presets, the artemis re-engaged. This time without the warp improperly disabled, the artemis was able to disengage when needed and completed the mission.

Session 3:
Jump Drive equipped this time. The artemis completed the mission with ease, perhaps owing to the planning needed to successfully use the jump drive.

Overall Analysis:
Weapons Officer Mealer and Helmsman Coco exceeded expectations. Commander Mealer's command skills proved adequate for low difficulty levels however his engineering skills would be grounds for a court martial in a real life engagement assuming the crew survived in spite of his incompetence.

Submitted By: Detainee Mealer Simulation Commander
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1 reply
Mike_Substelny said Jun 14, 2013 13:48:04
A very funny report. Thanks for sharing.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
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