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TSN Intelligence?

posted Jun 02, 2013 22:23:43 by hobbitguy1420
Hard to tell if this will ever come up, but does the TSN have an intelligence arm - the Artemis equivalent to the CIA or Section 31?
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5 replies
Mike_Substelny said Jun 02, 2013 23:41:14
That's a great question, Hobbitguy. I've been concerned about that since Artemis made its debut.

The TSN obviously needs intelligence to operate, so there is a department called "Naval Intelligence." The problem is, how do the players interface with TSN Naval Intelligence? How can intelligence information fit into the game?

The answer is in the Science Officer. Every TSN Science Officer has Top Secret security clearance. This allows them to both see and add to the TSN's vast bank of intelligence information. If you want to demonstrate this in a mission script, use set_ship_text to set desc and scan_desc fields for enemy ships. for example:

Make a Torgoth Behemoth and set surrenderChance to 80%. Then set the scan_desc to "Naval Intelligence reports that this captain has a reputation for cowardice. If you damage his ship he is likely to surrender."

Make a Skaraan Defiler with a cloaking device and jump drive. Then set the scan_desc to "Naval Intelligence shows that this ship has both a cloaking device and jump drive."

Obviously there are many other possibilities. As you can see, the Science Officer can access sensitive, classified information.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
AdmlBaconStraps said Jun 03, 2013 07:05:40
I could see it as a 'classified' communication being sent to the Artemis mid-mission.

Leaves it wide open for some interesting mission arcs depending on what the Artemis can find out (As in reporting stuff to them)/recieve from intel.
[Last edited Jun 03, 2013 07:05:59]
Mike_Substelny said Jun 03, 2013 11:22:54
Yes, Communications may get access to classified information, too. I hope the presence of Naval Intelligence will be more apparent in Artemis 2.0.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
hobbitguy1420 said Jun 04, 2013 01:19:30
How do you see interactions between Naval Intelligence and the TSN proper? Are they generally cordial? Antagonistic? Does one dominate the other? Does NI have agents in the field - perhaps even on TSN ships, keeping an eye out for Terran interests?
Mike_Substelny said Jun 04, 2013 02:18:24
There is no consistent answer for that, since the Artemis timeline spans more than a century. In some eras relations between them will be cordial and helpful. But all it takes is one career-ending scandal to chill relations for a year or a generation.

Yes, there are always agents in the field. At various times there are disguised human spies aboard Arvonian and Ximni ships, and there are paid agents in the Torgoth, Kralien, and Skaraan fleets. On most TSN ships NI is represented by the Science Officer (on larger ships the Comms Officer may also be an agent). In some cases there may be a secret NI agent aboard a TSN ship.

Of course the enemy races also have disguised and paid spies aboard TSN ships.

Paranoia about loyalty is at its highest before and during the Unukalhai Uprising, the human-against-human civil war. During that period Naval Intelligence wields an overwhelming influence over the TSN, bringing down loyal admirals for casual jokes and innocuous comments. During that time the Rebels' intelligence service is even more paranoid.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
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