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Making a Surrendered Enemy Invulnerable

posted Jun 04, 2013 22:12:53 by tieguyny
I know it's not necessarily realistic, but I'm looking for a way to make a ship invulnerable once it has surrendered. My first thought would be to replace a surrendered enemy with a generic mesh with the same name/model, but I was wondering if there is another way.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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9 replies
matt.schillinger said Jun 05, 2013 01:25:51
You could set all of the ship's damage properties to 0, and loop a timer to keep setting DMG to 0.

Perhaps there is a better way, but I think that if ever 2-5 seconds the ship was reset to 0 damage, it would take a lot to destroy it.

A more obvious to the player ship method would be to keep setting te shields to 1000, ice again on a tee loop.
MichaelMesich said Jun 05, 2013 03:23:52
But then you miss out on all the guffaws and either guilt or brazen callousness of newbie crews blowing up the just-surrendered! :)
tieguyny said Jun 05, 2013 04:14:56
For the purpose of a scored game, I'm looking to avoid crews gaining points for having enemies surrender AND blowing them up, basically making them worth double the points. At the moment, Artemis doesn't discriminate on the "End Mission" screen.
tieguyny said Jun 05, 2013 04:16:34
Oh, and thanks for the suggestion Matt, seems feasible. I'll try it out.
matt.schillinger said Jun 05, 2013 12:31:04
Another bit of info. If you don't mind the ship 'disappearing, you could also make it 'invisible' to science, tactical, visible upon surrendering.
Mike_Substelny said Jun 05, 2013 14:38:01
I suggest constantly pumping up forward and back shields to 500 or some other ridiculous number. Such a ship could park in the middle of a black hole and never die.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
XHawk87 said Jun 06, 2013 14:49:09
What about applying a penalty for destroying a surrendered ship?
JSpaced said Jun 07, 2013 09:07:12
For each ship in play, I would write a separate event:
<if_object_property property="hasSurrendered" name="KRA1" comparator="EQUALS" value="1.0" />
<set_object_property property="systemDamageFrontShield" value="0.0" name="KRA1" />
<set_object_property property="systemDamageBackShield" value="0.0" name="KRA1" />

That should make it invulnerable?

OR: as XHawk87 suggests:

<!-- Record that the KRA1 surrendered even after it has died -->
<if_object_property property="hasSurrendered" name="KRA1" comparator="EQUALS" value="1.0" />
<set_variable name="KRA1Surrendered" value="1.0" />

<!-- Deduct points for blowing it up -->
<if_not_exists name="KRA1" />
<if_variable name="KRA1Surrendered" comparator="EQUALS" value="1.0" />
<set_variable name="Score" value="Score - 10" />
<!-- Stop deducting points -->
<set_variable name="KRA1Surrendered" comparator="EQUALS" value="2.0" />
"We should give him the send-off he deserves. He died saving us all. Prepare a Rocket-Shed for immediate launch."
Mike_Substelny said Jun 07, 2013 16:00:18
If you set the system damage of the shields to zero that just means the shield generators are working. You should then actually pump up the shield_max_state front and back to a high number, and pump up the shield_state front and back to a high number.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
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