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high resolution tablets

posted Jun 23, 2013 19:05:31 by JoshuaHunt
I bought a Nexus 10. it has a have very high resolution.
When I run the official android client it has extremely small text and objects. I have tried tablet and phone mode. Is there any way to resolve this?

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1 reply
megamark16 said Jul 06, 2013 10:30:46
I just wanted to chime in that I am having the same issue with a ViewSonic VSD220 (specs: which has a 1080p HD display (1920x1080) and therefore suffers from the same Engineering station overlap of ship and sliders as is depicted in the screenshot above. This is very distracting when trying to run the Engineering station.

I also plugged my VSD220 into my Windows 7 laptop and used it as a touchscreen monitor for playing the Windows version of Artemis and the same issue with Engineering overlapping happens on the Windows version at the 1920x1080 resolution as well. Luckily on Windows I can just change my screen resolution and all is well, but unfortunately I cannot change my screen resolution when running the native Android on this device, so I'd really love to see this bug fixed.
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