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Star Citizen

posted Jul 01, 2013 01:43:26 by RobWiltbank
So, if you're in your mid to late 30's, chances are you spend a good portion of your teenage years playing the Wing Commander, Privateer and Freespace series of games by Chris Roberts when he was with Origin. Since that time, the world has been really lacking a *good* space simulator that combined the elements of economy, industry, and dogfighting.

Well, a while back, Chris Roberts announced his project, Star Citizen (, on Kickstart. It exploded so quickly that it became the most highly funded independent game in Kickstart's history. They're still offering several great incentive packages (including in-game ships, alpha and beta access) for pledging as a backer. It won't be an MMO, but rather a game where you can run your own server or you can play on their persistent server.

If this sounds interesting to you, I've started recruiting for an in-game corporation called the Citadel Conglomerate that will combine elements of industry and combat at our core. My game-forum recruitment post is here:

And the corporation website is here:

If you consider playing the game when it's released, I encourage you to look into my corporation. Feel free to drop me an email at if you have any questions!
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