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New Player!!

posted Jul 02, 2013 04:23:58 by DavidCollins
Hi, I'm new to the Artemis Forums. I was wondering how you guys find people to play with online? I goto DePaul and we had Artemis installed in the Game Dev Lab for a bit, but they removed it when they updated the computers. I recently bought it, and I'm trying to get crews together, but it's harder than I thought.

I know this is off-topic, but I couldn't see a better place to ask for advice on getting a crew together. I'd be thankful for any suggestions. I'm looking to play both online and off-line (Chicago NW Suburbs).
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9 replies
Captain said Jul 04, 2013 12:40:14
Gathering crew isn't to hard. Playing live the first thing you do is ask friends. Don't just ask friends that are nerdy ask all of them. Since you are at DePaul you also could start a club. With the proper advertising people who want to play will come to you. As for online play check out the bridge crew comms tab. People will post online play there and you can join up. There also is an up and running RP you can join for regular games. Ohhh. You also can use bridge crew comms to recruit. I would invite you to join my crew (as I am close) however I already have 3 bridges to deal with. If you get a group together maybe we can play together in the future. Good luck.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
EricWethington said Jul 04, 2013 13:32:49
We played 2 missions last night with players from Michigan, Ohio, New Mexico, and Australia. A newer crew so we kept it to level 3.
"... ooops!"
Last words of Captain Phour Phazier Phred from Phremont
BryceWhitacre said Jul 08, 2013 19:17:13
We have a local club in Fort Wayne Indiana. We are going to be at Ikasucon this weekend (running artemis at the anime con) 3Con in sept (this is a gaming con) and Con on the Cob (another gaming con) in October.
MichealReeves said Jul 18, 2013 14:34:37
I just found Artemis and am seriously considering playing. However I am in Australia where fans of this are few and far between... especially since I'm in a regional area. I'd love yo look at playing over distance and was hoping you could tell me more about the aussie you had play with you so I might inbox them. And I'd like to ask you how you went with the long distance gameplay.
Captain said Jul 18, 2013 15:32:17
Long distance gameplay is pretty easy. Get a mike and teamspeak (which is free). Almost every weekend there is a game going on even on some Fridays and weekdays as well. There is also an RP which plays regularly on Saturday.
To Mankind
And the hope that the war against folly may someday be won, after all

Isaac Asimov
MichealReeves said Jul 18, 2013 16:49:38
Looks like I'm definitely getting this then. Damn... looks like I am going to have to sort out an online gaming rig again. Hopefully I can get a crew together when uni resumes provided the IT students stop running away from me lol. <<<<< epic geek but law student. I suppose ill sort out a rig tomorrow and get everything rolling so that I might participate asap.
JanxJelantru said Jul 18, 2013 18:53:02
This game runs on old laptops. You don't need much for hardware. Certainly not a full-on gaming rig.

For the OP, get 6 1GB USB sticks. Put the installed game files on those. Use those in the lab. Reclaim them at the end of the night.

You'll avoid licence conflicts, and not have to deal with installing on lab machines and having them get purged.

I've never played with less than a full crew (6 players, counting captain). It didn't strike me as that hard to recruit my friends as we all have the same interests. Note, we're all adults long past college. if WE can do it with our busy lives and kids, so can you college students.

Mike_Substelny said Jul 19, 2013 02:36:34
FWIW it might be worth having a full-on gaming rig if you want a server to run six bridges in the same battle at the same time. You will also want a really fast network.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
MichealReeves said Jul 19, 2013 02:44:19
Only reason I'm building a rig is that I took mine apart and sood off the pieces before uni started this year and I've just been running a desktop environment on a raspberry pi as a study computer. I realize it shouldn't take too much. Yeah I wish I had a few more mates with this particular interest. I'm a bit of a bogan. (Redneck?) Most of my mates are sports fanatics like me, and tthat's where similarities end. Its surprisingly rare to find trekkies in aus. Most are whovians that think trek is not cool enough for them.... because dr who is so freaking amazing ?? :S *shoots self*
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