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Aretmis on the Mac and a Permanent Server

posted Jul 17, 2013 16:37:27 by Aaron
Hey Everyone,

So I messaged the makers of this game because I have created a packaged version of the latest version of Artemis for use on MACS and I am wanting to share the game with them for free, but I wanted to know from the community is there a large player base that desires to have this for Mac. Also, I need permission to post the .DMG (aka .exe for you windows fans) because should someone use this they would get the full game and obviously would bypass the paying process, something I don't want. So leave comments here if you are interested and I can see about setting it up as a beta in which case I would include an expiration in the installer, but that's gonna take some brain power, so before I do that let me know if any of y'all would have a desire for this.

I enjoy this game greatly and I have also set up a Server for this game for people to join and can play whenever, i currently have the server down, but would bring up should we wanna do over the internet tournaments and what not. Let me know about all this guys, I would appreciate it!
[Last edited Jul 17, 2013 16:38:36]
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6 replies
masam said Jul 17, 2013 17:10:39
Seeing as how I just found out about this game, and I am a mac user, Yes I'd love to see this happen. As long as the guys who made this game managed to get their fair share.
[Last edited Jul 17, 2013 17:10:49]
JanxJelantru said Jul 17, 2013 17:11:51
seems like you need to talk to Thom.

If there's a process you implemented to prepare the Artemis files to work on Mac, I would rather that process be shown to Thom and he could implement it as part of his build process to produce Artemis's install bundle.

Then, when somebody buys Artemis, they get the PC and Mac files together, from the legitimate authorized seller of Artemis.

That would then avoid licensing/distribution conflicts.
masam said Jul 17, 2013 17:15:14
Janx explained it better than I did. What he said.
Aaron said Jul 17, 2013 20:18:21
I might have worded it poorly, but I want the creators of the game to definitely have the rights to it, I just want to help get it distributed and I emailed them stating they would receive all my source code and packaged files so they could implement them into their own scheme also so they could see that I have not put any malicious files in there like keystrokers or virus etc. I am not aware of their personal emails or anything I only used the contact us tab on their website, should they so desire, they can message me at anytime and I would love to get this rolling. Be a shame for mac user to use bootcamp or VMWare just for a 100mb game lol. And the process to make it work is all automated, Is uses python coding and Wine distributors to make the file install on mac and best of all it let me update too. so it works flawlessly not to toot my own horn
[Last edited Jul 17, 2013 20:20:15]
DaveWightman said Jul 19, 2013 04:26:57
I've tried playing this with some friends on Mac and we've had success with some of their machines and not others. Just having a DMG would be extremely helpful.
Aaron said Jul 19, 2013 16:15:18
Well until the owner gets back to me, I can't release anything without risking getting in trouble, since he charges for the game I can't just release this, but it has worked on every mac we have tried it on. all the way back to 10.5 so it should be good on most. if your mac is older then that, well, time to get a new mac lol.
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