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Someone near Columbus needs to do this:

posted Jul 18, 2013 01:23:33 by JoeGreene
I got a notification on a Government Liquidation auction site..
I wish I could do it.. but it's a drive and I don't have the storage to do it with..
add a low end PC, LCD monitor KB and mouse to thses desks.. roll a set of 6 onto /off a trailer setup.. instant COOL portable bridge setups.. There's enough for 4 full bridge station sets.. one of which could hold a second system for the server/main screen which could be set on a nearby table or projector embedded too.... If I had the $$ for the hardware to add.. this would be totally going on.. but as it is.. I can't even haul 21 of them...

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1 reply
ethan.dicks said Jul 26, 2013 15:35:10
I'm in Columbus and I've bought from GovLiquidation auctions before, but I totally missed out on this (the link says the items sold or the auction is over).

Stay tuned, though, because I've already begun putting together the resources for an Artemis Bridge at the Columbus Idea Foundry for a fun members night (if you aren't a member yet, make friends with one - guests are allowed at members events). I'll post a general announcement when I've gotten everything assembled. the DMX lights are done and I'm just trying to tweak up our classroom computers with enough 3D horsepower to run as bridge stations (they are short "clamshell" Dell desktops so they need 1/2-height PCIe video - the motherboard Intel chips aren't up to running Nav and such without stuttering).
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