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BvB Fleets; Testers needed

posted Jul 22, 2013 20:22:23 by xavierwise.tsn
I have designed a BvB mission script that will allow two teams, of up to three crews/ ships per team, to fight against one another.

I need people to test it out. I am online now and looking for at least 4 other people to test out. The testing will just be on helm to check that the coding works moving around the map. If there are then enough people online, we could have a 2v2 game.

Come online and join in. Normal location; teamspeak server

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Password: Artemis1
[Last edited Jul 22, 2013 20:23:32]
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1 reply
xavierwise.tsn said Jul 22, 2013 20:47:52
Ok, so the basics have been tested. Now I want enough people to actually have a BvB match!

Come along and take up the fight. I want at least a 2v1. that would require 12 people... ok so I have my hopes up for that, but it would be cool.
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