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Discuss the Arvonians

posted Apr 07, 2013 02:11:04 by Mike_Substelny

An Arvonian figher squadron leader.

From the Artemis Manual:

The Arvonians are a humanoid race most remarkable for their chameleon-like skin pigmentation. They prefer to run curving patterns of very bright colors across their faces, giving them a dazzling appearance that most humans find attractive. Arvonian males and females have the same slender build. Their culture is matriarchal, so their space ship captains and fighter squadron leaders are often women.

The Arvonian people regard their Royal Family fondly. A century ago the Arvonian race was united under the benevolent rule of Queen Sansha. As their culture spread to the stars governing became too complex for Sansha, so she decreed the construction of a super-intelligent master computer to assist her. That computer, whose name translates to “The Supreme Understander,” now runs the entire Arvonian government, deciding everything from war strategies to parking tickets.

Most humans think of Arvonian society as a computer-controlled dystopia, yet the Arvonians adore The Supreme Understander. In fact, they revere all computers and refuse to put them in danger. Whenever a TSN torpedo or Torgoth drone is fired Arvonians weep for the weapon’s onboard computer callously sent on a one-way mission. Thus the Arvonians use manned fighters instead of automated missiles.

Arvonians also love space whales. If they see you harm a space whale the Arvonians will fight to the death rather than allow you to live.

A Royal Palace where Arvonians may get an audience with the Royal Family. Arvonians may also come to a palace for ceremonial dealings with The Supreme Undersander, but for routine business they may communicate with The Supreme Understander in the privacy of their own homes.

Here is why the Arvonians are humanoid:

From Horatio Hornblower to Mata Hari to Howard Hughes's "Hell's Angels," some of the greatest tales of military derring-do involve seducing, infiltrating, stealing from, falling in love with, posing as, or selling out to the enemy. The Artemis universe deserves to have such adventures. Some day your crew might be called upon to deliver a human infiltrator behind enemy lines to steal an Arvonian fighter and fly it home. At the same time, you never know when an Arvonian spy might sneak aboard your ship to steal military secrets, sabotage your weapons, or worse . . .
[Last edited Apr 07, 2013 05:16:53]
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
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34 replies
sayabodohproductions said Apr 13, 2013 22:45:55
seeing as the arvonians look the closest to humans of all the aliens is it possible to have like Half-Human Half-Arvonian children or are the species not compatible in that aspect?
Mike_Substelny said Apr 14, 2013 21:24:55
Good question, sayabodohproductions. The answer is no, humans and Arvonians cannot interbreed. Of course it is genetically preposterous, but in my opinion it is also unnecessary.

Half-breed characters have been done to death by Star Trek for (what I consider to be) no good reason. I believe that every interesting searching-for-my-identity story they did with Spock (half Vulcan, half human) they could have also done with Worf (a full Klingon raised by humans). The same goes for all of Trek's half-breed characters (Troi, Torres, Alexander, etc.).

Trek can keep half-breeds to themselves. Artemis doesn't need them.

Nevertheless, there will be Arvonians raised by humans and humans raised by Arvonians. Human and Arvonian anatomy are close enough that members of the opposite sex could . . . take pleasure in each other's company. Thus there will be human/Arvonian intermarriage. But if they want children them must adopt or use a surrogate.

I believe that is sufficient absurdity to leave plenty of room for good storytelling. We don't need to push the absurdity any farther.
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
TaigiaReilly said Apr 16, 2013 18:04:23
I like it!
sayabodohproductions said Apr 17, 2013 09:46:32
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