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New Uniform

posted Aug 28, 2012 21:07:28 by ScottDunphy
So I've noticed that in many of the Artemis YouTube videos the crews dress in Star Trek uniforms or something very close to that. And that got me thinking that there should be uniforms unique to Artemis. Nothing too elaborate, maybe something nearly everyone can make at home, and definitely something that could prominently feature the patches. Maybe even just vests or smocks that could fit over any standard attire (say a one-colored t-shirt) so you could have a set for whatever crew is available and whatever positions they want the play.

I don't know anything about costume design, but I thought I'd float these ideas and see if someone on here does.
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108 replies
JosephBranson said Sep 26, 2012 01:29:31
Also, kinda gotta question the smock thing. An apron?.... I don't see it... Also, i would change the Starship certification patch. Way too Starfleet. How about putting the rank pip in place of the starship certification patch? It would look more military.

Another idea just came to me: for admirals, how about a black beret with a solid color(i'm thinking chrome) Artemis logo pin on it?

Another idea: For uniforms, how about flight suits?
[Last edited Sep 26, 2012 01:39:14]
I've been flying ships since before you were born, sad little Earth-monkey! -Zim
DwayneShaffer said Sep 26, 2012 03:16:09
Thank You for your kind words. I was look at Black Military Boots as part of the Uniform also, If you Blouse the boots I think the scrub pants will still give you the military look. I choose the scrubs for several reasons which pretty much the same things that the military would use. 1st the cost you can get scrubs both pants and shirts for around $20.00. Most of us already have some military style boots. 2nd Scrubs are design to be comfortable, Which when you are sitting at a duty station for any amount of time is very important.

The pips I design because I thought the community should have there own rank structure. The certification badge I designed this badge to use a basic icon of the game. If you look at the badge most people would reference it to the Comm badge from Star Trek but that was not were to got my idea from. If you look at the client ship icon in the dat folder it is were I got the Idea for the Cert, Badge.

Long Sleeve you can buy the long sleeve Dickie shirt this can be used for winter ware.

The pips are just a rendering but were made with common symbols so the should be hard to find. I was kinda hoping Marion would maybe make these she has the resources to do this.
Dwayne Shaffer C.O.
Vidar GSR 3701
C.D.F. 7th Fleet
DwayneShaffer said Sep 26, 2012 07:17:00
I thought about the flight suite to but most of them run about 40 to 50 dollars not only that there are a pain in the neck if you have to use the bath room. I am a former Air Force Cop so I have worn them. Love the Look of them but cost wise and practicality I am not sure that everyone would be able adapt too them.

But they are cool looking for sure! (LOL)

I was thinking of a beret for headdress too but more on the line of White beret for Admiralty, Dark Blue for Officers and Maroon for enlisted.
Dwayne Shaffer C.O.
Vidar GSR 3701
C.D.F. 7th Fleet
ScottDunphy said Sep 26, 2012 13:16:56
JosephBranson, the point of a smock, apron, and even the scrubs is that they can be worn over other clothes by a wide range of people. I would like to buy/make six uniforms - one for each position - and then have whoever is in that seat wear that uniform. I usually have new folks learning the game every time I play. So I think some of the design ideas (certainly mine) came from this starting point. I'm not going to have a dedicated crew with 5 other adult friends who are willing to buy/make their own uniform and play together all the time. I'm sure there are crews like that out there (maybe most), but I think the "official" uniform should keep in mind folks like me.

I also must agree with DwayneShaffer on the flight suits. I wore them for 14 years in the Air Force and they are not a good solution for everyone. But I don't think that would mean that no one should do that. I hope that what comes out of this is a standard template for a the uniform - configuration of the patches, rank, etc - that can be applied to any of the options dicsussed. And as part of that configuration, I think having the position (e.g. "HELM") in big bold letters on the back is important - makes it easy for the captain to remember who is sitting at which position when standing behind everyone (which seems most common).
JohnKlingbeil said Sep 26, 2012 13:21:46
i checked out flight suits and they are extremely cool looking, but also... not cheap. they range anywhere from $200 to $300, but can also look like this:

it's really more of an investment at that price
JohnKlingbeil said Sep 26, 2012 13:22:23
lots of good colors though

Mike_Substelny said Sep 26, 2012 16:29:15
Every year my bicycle team gets spandex jerseys with our team logo screened on them. These are for riders and cost between $40 and $80. But the team is also supported by numerous non-riders who want to fit in but don't want to spend that kind of money. So for them we get T-shirts that match the jerseys and screen on the same logo. This works and everyone looks like part of the team.

Artemis could do something similar. We could have high-end flight suits with custom emblems and insignia for the serious LARPers and film makers. Then we could have scrubs in the same color for the casual players.
[Last edited Sep 26, 2012 17:50:40]
"Damn the torpedoes! Four bells, Captain Drayton!"

(Likely actual words of Admiral David Farragut, USN, at the battle of Mobile Bay. Four bells was the signal for the engine room to make full steam ahead).
JosephBranson said Sep 26, 2012 17:31:53
Mike, I really like your ideas. Different levels of uniform for different price ranges, but with a unified look. And Scott, I didn't mean to insult, if that's how it came off. I apologize, but I stand by what I said. I think scrubs area better visual choice than an apron.
[Last edited Sep 28, 2012 02:28:04]
I've been flying ships since before you were born, sad little Earth-monkey! -Zim
ScottDunphy said Sep 26, 2012 20:04:41
Not at all, I just thought it bore greater explanation. Thanks!
DwayneShaffer said Oct 02, 2012 05:56:27
JohnKlingbeil said Oct 02, 2012 12:07:14
i like the hockey jersey idea. easy on, easy off, good colors... and you probably won't get hot at all in them.
oliver.boylan said Oct 02, 2012 16:43:02
I used to work in an outdoor shop. We stocked Arc'teryx base layers. All the staff would comment on how "star trek" they looked. They are a bit pricey at £70 (approx. $120+), but there might be other brands out there in a similar colour. Basically, they are base layers aimed at outdoor adventure enthusiasts, meant to be worn next to the skin to control body temperature effectively. They are close fitting and can be worn alone, or under another top.

I've pasted a link below. Sorry but I don't know how to do pictures, so if it hasn't worked, I have also included the whole weblink.
lordrahvin said Oct 03, 2012 04:00:15
Daredevil Cosmic Cowboys, TNS Hyperion, Weapons Officer
1st Fleet of Southern California Sector.

RobJosephson said Oct 03, 2012 21:56:57
Stoopid Smurfs.
MichaelMesich said Oct 09, 2012 17:22:41
For the record, I don't think I'll fly with a Captain in a RED SHIRT!

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