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Mark's TNG Mod - V2.0

posted Jan 11, 2013 13:09:49 by MarkBell
Update - Big update. V2.0 kind of update. Slew of new ships available, both player and enemy. Just drop this on top of your old install, or delete the ST_TNG folder from your MOD directory and install these new ones. The .bat file installer is also updated. Pictures below updated as well.

I know there had been talk of Vorus and Martok releasing a TNG mod at some point, but my crews have been using one I based on TreChipman's TMP mod so I figured I'd release it for general use. Most of the models are from either Star Trek: Bridge Commander or Armada mods, there are some from, and some from Blender Star Trek Meshes. There are a number of UI changes, sound effects, and opening and closing music. I basically used the same formula as Vorus/Martok/TreChipman from here, just with the relevant numbers. There was some fudging since special effect weapons of the Breen and Borg don't work here, but overall I think it's pretty good. I also decided to standardize the speed and turning ratios based on a rather complex (probably unnecessary) formula, but all the ships (player and enemy) follow the same formula. Some of the ships came from the TMP mod, and their stats have been updated to the most modern numbers available here. I included 2 different base types so you can change the bases to Orbital Mining Stations if you like :) In 1.661 it would randomly select the base types from the file, although 1.7 seems to only pick one. In either case, the mod (should be) fully compatible with 1.661 and later (no real issues so far), it should be compatible with most missions (as long as they left generic loopholes in their vessel declarations), and it's pretty fun, if I do say so myself.

Most of the graphic UI is from Adam's Star Trek Mod.

I've included a mod loader (based off the TMP mod loader - seeing a pattern here?) to load up the TNG mod and return it to stock. Ok, enough talk.

Favorite ships and bases from TNG, DS9, and Voyager!

Epic Battles with old foes and modern allies!

Don't get cocky, as you may be overwhelmed if you're not careful...

Please transmit to Starfleet.... We have engaged... The Borg.

Player Ship List:
Lieutenant Grade

00 Miranda
01 Centaur
02 Constitution Refit
03 Constellation
04 Steamrunner
Commander Grade
05 Excelsior
06 Intrepid
07 Nova
08 Cheyenne
09 Saber
Captain Grade
10 Defiant
11 Ambassador
12 Nebula
13 Akira
14 Galaxy
Admiral Grade
15 Excelsior Refit
16 Intrepid Armored
17 Prometheus
18 Luna
19 Sovereign
Small Starship
20 Danube

Enemies - Klingons (8 different types + some elites), Romulans (9 different types + elites), Dominion (4 different types + elites), Cardassians (2 different types), Ferengi (1 type), and Borg (3 types)

Try it! See if you like it! Leave comments, flames, suggestions, etc below :)

Special thanks: Thom Robertson - for Artemis!! Vorus, Martok, and TreChipman - for their fantastic Star Trek Mods used as inspiration and as a base. TreChipman also for the work he did on several models and textures I shamelessly appropriated :) Various and sundry other folks for their input and assistance.

Mod pack here: rar file - stable release. Unzip and copy into your Artemis folder. If your operating system supports folder merging, then that should handle it.

V2 .AML file for Russ Judge's Artemis Mod Loader (may be simpler than dealing with this file mess): V2 aml file - it should be predefined in V 3.016+
[Last edited Jun 28, 2013 14:03:49]
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170 replies
cred718 said Feb 07, 2013 02:27:10
let me be more clear. I have installed the mod. i pick tng and when i load it up i dont see any of the ships in the mod. i only get the artemis ships. the console looks the same too. so what am i doing wrong? what should i do instead?
MarkBell said Feb 07, 2013 10:21:39
Where is your Artemis install folder? The installer won't work properly if Artemis is in c:\Program Files (x86)\Artemis. If that's the case, move the Artemis folder to your base drive - C:\Artemis. It should work fine from there.

Also, are you running V1 or V2? Won't make a difference to the install, just curious.
[Last edited Feb 07, 2013 13:14:17]
cred718 said Feb 07, 2013 16:04:22
i will change the folder and see if that works. i am running v1. wanted to see how that worked out.
MarkBell said Feb 08, 2013 10:39:49
Any luck with the folder swap?
JSpaced said Feb 08, 2013 12:32:17
We're having our TNG Mod get together tonight and the unveiling of my first 6 Starfleet Academy missions. This'll be a playtesting session so I can see how easy/ hard the missions are and whether they work as a progression of ability.
Also hoping the players totally screw up Mission 4 because of the amazing special effects when that happens! (Thanks Mark and Russ!)
More news some time tomorrow and hopefully some logged encounter reports.
"We should give him the send-off he deserves. He died saving us all. Prepare a Rocket-Shed for immediate launch."
MarkBell said Feb 08, 2013 13:03:58
Sweet! Looking forward to how it goes :)

EDIT - are you on V1 or V2?
[Last edited Feb 08, 2013 13:04:15]
JSpaced said Feb 08, 2013 14:40:32
We're on V2, which has been stable for the majority of my script building and testing. This'll be the first time with a full crew though.
"We should give him the send-off he deserves. He died saving us all. Prepare a Rocket-Shed for immediate launch."
MarkBell said Feb 08, 2013 14:43:56
Sweet. Eager to hear how it goes!
cred718 said Feb 10, 2013 00:17:56
sorry for the late response. the mods look and work great. funny with the folder swap.
MarkBell said Feb 10, 2013 07:03:02
Awesome, I was hoping it was straightforward :-)

Considering going to v2?
JSpaced said Feb 10, 2013 09:23:52
Very successful first run on Friday night. Five man crew, four previously experienced with vanilla-Artemis and one new player, but a confirmed Gamer.

The crew enjoyed the new look and feel of the TNG mod, particularly the familiar ships and enemies. The Star Trek ships are a LOT more maneuverable than the Artemis ships, so that took some getting used to.

I had spent some time crafting a series of mission on the theme of Starfleet cadet training.

We ran through the missions and I was given the opportunity to tweak one as it was deemed vastly over-powering for the ship selected (each mission is supposed to be a progression for a cadet crew, upgrading ships as they go). We were about four hours playing in total and only stopped because at that hour it was the sensible thing to do!

Actually the only criticism that did come up was the clipping of the ships. Some of the capital ships are massive but their radius is slightly smaller than their nacelles or wing tips. I'm going to experiment with the values, see if I can't push that out a bit further.

All in all, people loved the Mod and enjoyed the missions, so well done Mark!
[Last edited Feb 10, 2013 09:25:42]
"We should give him the send-off he deserves. He died saving us all. Prepare a Rocket-Shed for immediate launch."
MarkBell said Feb 11, 2013 10:46:34
Great! That's fantastic, looking forward to more detailed mission reports if you're planning on detailing them :-) Any plans to release a mission pack?

It's been tricky for some of my players (especially weapons) to switch back and forth to vanilla Artemis - having comprehensive 360° beam coverage is a nice thing... Can't say how many times we've been playing and someone goes, ”Aw crap, 2 am folks...”

The clipping issue had come up before, and I'm still trying to deicide how to deal with it. I'm not sure if it is becausethe clipping is calculated pushRadius to center of ship or pushRadius to pushRadius. It really becomes a problem with, say, the borg cubes and such - their size pushes most ships to the very edge of beam range, since the beam targeting validity uses the center of the ship, not the hull. Not much you can do about that at the moment, but there is that. I'll make sure to so some tweaking. No other issues, though? If that's the case, I think I'll upgrade v2 to full release status.

JSpaced said Feb 11, 2013 15:34:56
Re: The clipping issue: we watched a Jem'Hadar battleship flounder a bit on an asteroid it kept passing through then getting stuck on.

We also had a beautiful moment in a Steamrunner class ship when a nifty Romulan scout flew through the gap between the pylons and the saucer! (Wish we'd got a screencap of that one!)

Perhaps for the Borg ships, you could get round the issue by lifting them or lowering them off the 0.0 Y plane? Much as you did for the space stations. Then they could have a much smaller push radius and ships could skirt over the top damaging the surface of the cube as they go?

Yes, I am planning to release the mission pack. I've cribbed some sounds from Star Trek Online (and some mission frameworks, to be honest) so they'll be quite big missions. I want to get some voice acting in there AND finish the powerpoint briefings (maybe transfer them into an MP4 video and upload to Youtube.)

The other plan is to do some greenscreen acting and create communiques from the Fleet Admiral to the crew applauding/ slapping them down. But that's for the future.
"We should give him the send-off he deserves. He died saving us all. Prepare a Rocket-Shed for immediate launch."
ChrisHolgate said Feb 12, 2013 01:02:52
Hey guys!

I REALLY love this mod, but I am a total modding noob so I really apologise, but really want to play this :D How exactly do I load it up? I've copied and merged all the files, and that's as far as I got!

Thanks in advance!
MarkBell said Feb 12, 2013 02:21:15
Ha! Too cool :) There needs to be a video record function built in for epic runs.

I've considered sinking them like I do the bases, that might just do it. It'll be a little odd to see the cubes off plane, but the sphere should do ok.

The idea of rank level for ships is totally lifted from STO, no joke. Very looking forward to mission packs! If you're looking for voice talent, we've got a pretty big group of fans here, just let us know.

EDIT - @Chris - Have you run the "Play Artemis.bat" file in the main Artemis directory? Also, where is your install directory? It works best if your Artemis install is C:\Artemis instead of C:\Program Files (x86)\Artemis.
[Last edited Feb 12, 2013 02:23:49]
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